Seeing Joy in the Midst of Hard

Pretty much everything makes me want to cry right now but especially the things that help me find the JOY!  These are just a few of the things that have brought tears to my eyes in the last 24 hours:

Young kids from our community not only playing with but EMBRACING the 3 extra littles in our home!  I have watched them struggle to make friends and listened to them voice their fears and concerns but last night we met with many many families in the neighborhood while the adults played volleyball and the hundreds of kids ran around and played!  I look up and see our sweet little 9 year old girl interacting and playing with another child.  She was SMILING and relaxed!  Tears of JOY.....

Neighbors willing to step in at the drop of a hat when we need help.  Tears of JOY......

Family members willing to LOVE my kids extra and willing to bring meals, run errands, etc... Tears of JOY.....

Schools and administrators willing to LOVE and EMBRACE 3 new kids and all their extra junk.  Willing to go the extra mile and not make me feel that they are unwanted.  They are willing to believe in them and give them extra TLC.  Tears of Joy.....

Little girl asking to pray at night....saying her normal prayer of "Now I lay me down to sleep...." and then asking to pray like me.  Then praying on her own for our entire family and hers.  Even to the extent of praying for Josh and his job so that he can continue to provide a roof over her head.  Seeing compassion in this sweet girl in the midst of some very difficult stuff.  Tears of JOY......

Watching my husband love these kids and me.  Tears of JOY......

Watching my kids, each and every one of them, step up, be responsible and try to teach through their actions, words and behaviors! Tears of JOY......

And thank you God for the gorgeous moon last night and the views that it created!  It was truly a gift to witness!

I am a firm believer that God placed us here in this exact community and town for such a time as this!  


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